Saturday 3 January 2009

A new year

Happy new year all...

As is customary at this time of year, I have been taking stock and reflecting on my life and the priorities I have in it.

Having recently finished university, I have entered 'full time employment' - somewhat fortunately I feel given the current economic situation and the struggle some of my friends are having.

Work wise, I want to continue to learn more and develop my skills - in as broad a way as possible. I think this achievable, and just requires concentration and perseverance. I want to try and tame my somewhat scatter gun approach to things by splitting my day into hour long blocks and setting things to achieve in each hour.

In my personal life, now I have returned to Brighton, I am back at Taekwondo studying with the excellent Howard Mayes.

I have also started playing keyboard with the band Creature - which is something I am very much enjoying - getting back into music.

Another change I am making, is I have bought a digital SLR and am starting on a creative photography course with Evolution Arts. This has decent reviews on the interweb and I hope it opens a whole new area of creativity for me! If I get on well with it, I may even look at the Photoshop course they also run.

Does anyone else have any plans for their year along these lines?